29 November 2021

Dear Everyone:   I hope this long weekend just past was sufficiently restorative so as to energize you through these final weeks of the term. I admit I sometimes (oftentimes, even) find the onset of winter holiday season more enervating than energizing, so am especially glad for quieter moments; hope you managed to find or create and dwell in a few of those amid the swirl of everything holiday-related and otherwise – court-verdicts and new variants not least among the otherwise…  

This Friday, 3 December, at 4p, we’ll hold our program open meeting, to share goings-on and set up for the spring semester — the zoom invitation to that meeting is below, and please keep an eye out for Revels information from the ESA!


Finally, an image of Maine waters in late fall with which to close this short note — free of boats and before ice, lively below but so very calm above — as a rendering of and wish for the still center I know and hope will steady and power us through the noisy present and come what may. We’re going to have to (continue to) work at refusing to be overwhelmed by everything, I think. Find/create/hold onto/remember that which grounds you – for me, these waters….   Abundant well wishes, as ever, Kandice

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