‘new ways to be beautiful’ 28 September 2020 Dear Everyone: The subject line of this message borrows from a piece Aaron Hammes shared with us at our most recent Friday Forum. In “A Manifesto Concerning Citizenship,” Aaron writes, This world, the one that wealthy people pretend to be citizens of, will end, either in fire or flood. There will be… Read More
words and worlds! 21 September 2020 Dear Everyone: Since the news of Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s passing, I’ve had pieces of June Jordan’s “Poem About My Rights” bouncing around in my head — “who the hell set things up like this” and “this poem is not consent I do not consent” especially. Jordan gives voice to then and still… Read More
inching along 14 September 2020 Dear Everyone: I saw a sweet inchworm yesterday. Is it too predictable or cliched or whatever to make note of how its movements and caution and determination and tiny-ness make it all too appropriate for how we (or at least I) are moving through the semester? The line of green against the… Read More
many thanks and a hiccup 8 September 2020 email Dear Everyone: My message this week opens with many thanks to the coordinators of the various interdisciplinary certificate programs who joined us for last week’s Friday Forum – John Brenkman (Critical Theory), Eric Lott (American Studies), Dána-Ain Davis (Women’s Studies), Zee Dempster (Africana Studies), Steve Kruger (Medieval Studies), Carlos Hernandez… Read More