dear everyone 16 May 2022 Dear Everyone: Here we are, the last week of spring semester, and here I am, writing my final “dear everyone” Monday email! First and always, thank you for the generous ways you’ve received and responded to these missives, which have done much to keep me grounded and aware of the filaments of connection that… Read More
celebrating, big and small! 9 May 2022 Dear Everyone: I so enjoyed being with so many of you on Friday, both for the program meeting (for current faculty and students earlier in the day) and the open awards and prizes celebration later in the afternoon. In the earlier, we talked the substance and substantive future of the program and… Read More
this one’s all information about events 2 May 2022 Dear Everyone: Undoubtedly because the year is coming to a close, there is a profusion of events to report, so I’m devoting this week’s message toward those instrumental ends. I suspect there might be more to come, so please keep an eye out for the more! First, though, hearty congratulations to the… Read More