31 December 2020

Dear Everyone:

There’s some part of me that knows it’s not quite right only to think of beginnings as marked by the official chronologies that give us new year’s days of various sorts, and there’s a bigger part of me that welcomes the regulated reminder to reset and stand in stillness to/and begin again as we do every day…this new year’s eve carries so much the burden of hope and suffering, inextricably connected, I know…Holding you all to heart and mind as our wishes flame together toward and for what comes next, which is to say, toward and for each other!

Looking forward to being with you in 2021 — warmest, glittering wishes to you and all your beloveds!


Elegy in Joy [Excerpt], Muriel Rukeyser

We tell beginnings: for the flesh and the answer,
or the look, the lake in the eye that knows,
for the despair that flows down in widest rivers,
cloud of home; and also the green tree of grace,
all in the leaf, in the love that gives us ourselves.

The word of nourishment passes through the women,
soldiers and orchards rooted in constellations,
white towers, eyes of children:
saying in time of war What shall we feed?
I cannot say the end.

Nourish beginnings, let us nourish beginnings.
Not all things are blest, but the
seeds of all things are blest.
The blessing is in the seed.

This moment, this seed, this wave of the sea, this look, this instant of love.
Years over wars and an imagining of peace. Or the expiation journey
toward peace which is many wishes flaming together,
fierce pure life, the many-living home.
Love that gives us ourselves, in the world known to all
new techniques for the healing of the wound,
and the unknown world. One life, or the faring stars.

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